Boletín OEG de Prensa, nº 332

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones

Nº 332, 2 de noviembre, 2018

European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin
#332 (2 November 2018)
"Uncertainty over Brexit leads to many British expats returning home", Property Investor Today, 31 | 10 | 2018 - Noticia
...between 2012 and 2017, the number of Britons leaving Spain outstripped those who arrived. This exodus is being blamed on ... Brexit ... as well as the price of sterling falling against the euro, which has made living overseas more expensive than ever. These difficulties have led to many expats returning to Britain. However, many older expats have found they can’t afford to purchase a home, with house prices increasing in most UK locations since they left. As a result, there has been a rise in older people choosing to rent on their return from Europe, according to Girlings Retirement Rentals.  It is a trend that ... Girlings Chief Executive expects to continue as the full impact of Brexit is felt over the next few years.
El alcalde de Torrox (Málaga) ... y la concejala de Turismo ... han informado ... de que el municipio acudirá a la próxima World Travel Market ... "con la campaña 'Visit, discover and stay forever', en la que reivindicaremos el potencial residencial de la localidad, que se alza como nuevo referente de la Costa del Sol". ... el regidor ... ha explicado que "el eje central de la campaña pretende fidelizar al turista británico, presentándonos como un destino consolidado en el segmento residencial, al contar con la mayor colonia de alemanes de la Península"...
"Spain still number one for British expat retirees", Emigrate, 31 | 10 | 2018 - Noticia
Although the number of Brit expats in Spain is falling fast, the country is still Britons’ number one favourite for retirement. Statistics compiled by a leading international removals company placed the long-term expat favourite at number one in its data on UK emigrants’ European destinations. Some 13 per cent of their clients were heading for Spanish sunshine, beaches and a new, less stressful life.
...according to new research by leading home moving company ... age is a major factor in determining the popularity of a dream move abroad. ... Young adults prefer countries with more opportunities for lucrative career prospects and lavish lifestyles.
"Are 17 million Brits ready not to holiday in Spain with no-deal Brexit?", The Local, 30 | 10 | 2018 - Opinión (Matthew Bennett, the creator of The Spain Report)
...for all of the ... Brits in Spain, or Spaniards in the UK, who work... What will happen with social security registrations? If social security registrations are not sorted out, what happens to access to healthcare (not for British pensioners who retired to Spain but for British nationals who have been working here and paying taxes for 20 years)? And let’s not forget voting rights, given that European and local elections will take place in Spain next May. Life plans constructed over the last two or three decades, taking full advantage of rights as European citizens within the European Union, are suddenly, urgently, in danger for hundreds of thousands of people... This lack of leadership, decision and planning will soon create palpable problems for a lot of people.
...nueva charla dirigida a extranjeros residentes en Mijas para tratar temas de interés para esta población, como son el empadronamiento, el Brexit y los beneficios de las nuevas modificaciones del Impuesto de Sucesiones... el concejal de Extranjeros ... dijo que ... “Debido a la proximidad de las elecciones, muchos extranjeros empiezan a preguntar acerca del padrón. Por eso, también queremos darles toda la información posible y que sepan qué hacer y a dónde dirigirse en todo momento”...
Nuevas depuraciones del padrón producen un recorte de ciudadanos no comunitarios sobre todo de Europa del Este, si bien la tendencia demográfica de la ciudad en el último año es al alza... Entre las nacionalidades foráneas, la alemana es más numerosa pero destaca la recuperación de los británicos. Les siguen rumanos y rusos.
«En Andalucía hay aproximadamente 300.000 familias afectadas por esta incertidumbre y por la falta de garantía jurídica... En Mijas tenemos 3.000 viviendas irregulares...» ... el concejal de Urbanismo ... argumentó. «...vivimos en un momento crucial de legislación en cuanto a suelo no urbanizable y con esa modificación que se está llevando a cabo por parte del parlamento andaluz de la LOUA creo que es el momento histórico para afrontar el problema, definirlo y solucionarlo»...
Josep Borrell, minister of Foreign Affairs, had a reassuring message for British residents in Spain when he visited Malaga on Friday
"Mijas matters: Get out to vote!", The Olive Press, 26 | 10 | 2018 - Opinión (Bill Anderson)
We are fortunate that our British norms and traditions are not fundamentally at odds with Spanish culture. But, the Brits in Spain pay their taxes, run their businesses... And, they turn out in force for the free sardines on the beach in May. What we have brought is more than just our money... I see people well integrated in the correct use of the word. It is true that language can be a barrier to further integration... Apart from this I would love to see the Brits more involved in the local political process. These are only Spanish elections we can vote in and which make the biggest impact on our lives...
"La asistencia sanitaria transfronteriza: una oportunidad perdida", Acta Sanitaria, 24 | 10 | 2018 - Opinión (Antoni Miquel Fuster, Gerente de la Unión Balear de Entidades Sanitarias, UBES)
El gran objetivo de la asistencia sanitaria transfronteriza apenas se ha cumplido, bien porque los ciudadanos desconocen sus derechos en este campo bien porque las autoridades nacionales ponen trabas a su desarrollo.
"Queridos británicos de Cantoria", TelePrensa, 23 | 10 | 2018 - Opinión (Puri Sánchez, alcaldesa de Cantoria)
En Cantoria también construyeron y compraron casas ilegales y por ello el alcalde de aquellos años ... y la mayor parte de su equipo de gobierno fue condenado por la justicia española... se han salvado ... derribos en Cantoria y no pararemos has que todos tengan la seguridad de que no perderán sus casas, pero también es importante que no pierdan el norte, es muy importante que no se dejen engañar. Siento verdadero terror cuando en estos días veo a los representantes de AUAN, la asociación que años atrás abanderaba la lucha por la legalización de las viviendas, pidiendo el perdón de su comunidad hacia esas personas, comprensión hacia el partido que les representa y trasladando a todos la certeza de que esas personas han cambiado. ... Han convertido AUAN en la asociación británica del PP...
"British Consulate to tour the Costa to give Brexit advice", Euro Weekly News, 21 | 10 | 2018 - Noticia
Sarah-Jane Morris will hold informative talks in Alicante ... next month to give British expatriates advice about living in Spain and share information about Brexit. ... Topics covered will include how to register with the town hall, how to get a residency certificate, access to healthcare, and driving licences in Spain.
"Healthcare and Brexit discussion on the Costa Blanca", Euro Weekly News, 20 | 10 | 2018 - Noticia
The Foro Sanitario sobre el Brexit Health Forum ... will deal with British residents’ concerns regarding their health cover once the UK leaves the European Union. ... organised by in collaboration with La Nucia town hall, focuses on healthcare and other related issues for Britons living in Spain. There will be information regarding the rights and obligations of residents and non-residents, the advantages and disadvantages of public and private healthcare as well as NIE numbers and the difference made by registering on the municipal Padron. As well as Sarah-Jane Morris, other speakers include La Nucia’s Foreign Residents’ councillor Bart Gommans, the Police Commissioner for Immigration and representatives from state-run and private hospitals.
«Brexit: 'So many questions, but still no answers'», The Local, 18 | 10 | 2018 - Entrevista (David Sparks, 78, moved from Bedfordshire to Totana in Murcia 12 years ago with his wife)
If I had to re-register to be a resident in Spain as an alien then financially I could not meet the conditions and would have to leave Spain. ... The UK government ... have not said ... whether the pension is going to be frozen with no more annual inflation increases. ... If they are frozen then life will become more difficult financially. The main pension concern is that of private pensions being paid by insurance companies directly into Spain as the EU conditions and agreements will no longer exist. ... in July 2018 the Spanish government made a law that all people living in Spain should receive free healthcare. The only problem is that it was left to each autonomous region to enact the law, and many have not.