Expats who speak Spanish 'ward off dementia for longer'

Fecha Publicación: 
25 Febrero 2011

Costa Blanca News, 25 | 02 | 2011 - Noticia

Using Spanish in everyday situations and sticking to regular classes can help prevent or delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease, say doctors.

Learning a foreign language could put back the first signs of dementia by at least five years, recent research has shown.

Expatriates in Spain are at a particular advantage, since those who regularly use the language they have learnt are even more likely to fight off Alzheimer's than those who have merely studied one and let it lay dormant.

Whilst crosswords, sudokus and other 'thinking' puzzles have long been lauded as a tool for fighting off memory loss and confusion in old age, experts believe that those who speak two or more languages have even more chance of retaining their mental faculties.


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