Boletín OEG de Prensa, nº 264

Boletín de Prensa del Observatorio Europeo de Gerontomigraciones

Nº 264, 8 de julio, 2016

European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin
#264 (8 July 2016)
"British expats are claiming their Spanish-European identity", The Corner, 07 | 07 | 2016 - Noticia
The British community in Spain is the largest in the EU ... After the political earthquake created by Brexit, a large part of this community is now seeking dual nationality from the Spanish government to protect their rights as European citizens. For this to happen, there will have to be a change in the Spanish law. ... situation might lead to some of these pensioners selling up and going back to the UK. Something similar ocurred in 2008-2009 when the pound was weak and many retired expats faced serious problems to pay the bills. Some homes were just abandoned on the coast as people returned to the UK. Junta ya ha creado un grupo de trabajo para minimizar los efectos del 'Brexit'...
"Spain opens the door for UK holiday home buyers to reclaim lost money", The Guardian, 04 | 07 | 2016 - Reportaje (Harvey Jones)
...after almost a decade of frustration some hope has emerged for ... investors who lost their deposits on unfinished off-plan properties. In December, the supreme court in Madrid issued a landmark judgment stating that Spanish banks are responsible for missing money deposited in their accounts, with interest on top. ... president of AUAN, says it has successfully worked with a network of ... associations in Axarquia, Cantabria and Valencia. “...the Senate of Spain ... ruled that if a buyer had bought their property in good faith they should get compensation if it is demolished.” ... the vote to leave the European Union has raised uncertainties ... Fluctuations in currency - the pound dived against the euro - will be the most immediate concern for homebuyers as properties in Spain will immediately be more expensive as a result.
"Medio Ambiente admite las enmiendas de Soha a la LOUA", La Opinión de Málaga, 02 | 07 | 2016 - Noticia
Los propietarios de viviendas irregulares ubicadas en suelo no urbanizable en Andalucía, principalmente extranjeros, celebran los avances en la tramitación de la modificación de la Ley de Ordenación Urbanística de Andalucía (LOUA). El presidente de Save Our Homes Axarquía (Soha), el británico Philip Smalley, explicó ayer que la comisión parlamentaria de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio ha admitido a trámite las enmiendas de este colectivo y tiene previsto aprobarlas en el pleno de este mes.
"En 2015 se marcharon de Málaga más residentes europeos de los que llegaron", La Opinión de Málaga, 02 | 07 | 2016 - Noticia
El temor a los impuestos reduce la cifra de empadronados extranjeros, según un estudio del INE
UK citizens living in other EU member states are currently entitled to free healthcare via the European health insurance card (EHIC). ... Spain's acting Prime Minister has insisted the rights of British expats will be protected while the Government negotiates its future after Brexit. ... A Department of Health spokesman said expats' access to the EHIC "is one of the issues would need to be resolved during the withdrawal process". ... the EHIC would still cover Britons if the Government agrees to join the European Free Trade Association – which would involve retaining freedom of movement.
Incluso Suiza, país que no es de la UE ni del EEE, tiene firmado un convenio especial para la asistencia sanitaria para pensionistas de nacionalidad suiza que residan en España. ... España tiene firmados más de 20 convenios bilaterales en materia de Seguridad Social con otros países. ... Algunos de estos acuerdos incluyen expresamente la asistencia sanitaria. ... De esa negociación dependerá el estatus final de los británicos y el modelo de sanidad al que tendrán derecho en España.
"View from the Costa: British expats fear time in sun is over", The Local, 24 | 06 | 2016 - Reportaje
With Brexit, "many will have to go," said Dave Jones, editor of the local English daily Costa Blanca News. "These are middle-class people without too much money who can't pay for healthcare, and if the pound falls, pensions won't cover their living costs."
"British expats face uncertain future after Brexit", The Wall Street Journal, 24 | 06 | 2016 - Reportaje (Liliam Moloney, Ruth Bender y Zeke Turner)
In addition to the right to work elsewhere in the EU, they also benefit from the harmonization of many pension plans and the right to receive health services. ... a particular concern for pensioners. ... Lawyers and accountants who deal with British expats on the continent expect a surge of Britons looking for advice on naturalization, as well as issues such adjusting pension schemes in case of changes in the harmonization of retirement plans between the EU and the U.K. ... Financial concerns also exploded in the wake of the vote and the huge drop in the value of the sterling. The crash is a particular concern to retired Britons living on pound-denominated pensions or other assets.
...personas que, hasta este jueves, creían sentirse más a merced de lo que pudiera ocurrir en las Elecciones Generales del 26-J, que de la decisión que se tomara en las islas con el referendum, pese al empate técnico que anunciaban las encuestas, temen por las consecuencias a corto y medio plazo.
La Agencia Valenciana de Turismo ha convocado ... una reunión urgente con las patronales y marcas turísticas de la Comunidad para analizar las consecuencias del triunfo del brexit...
El consejero de Turismo y Deporte ... ha hecho hincapié este viernes en que el Reino Unido es el primer mercado internacional en el sector turístico para Andalucía y "alguna consecuencia habrá" tras la victoria del brexit en el referéndum realizado este pasado jueves, pero ha señalado que "la calidad" es la "principal prioridad" para afrontar esta situación.
...creciente interés de compradores extranjeros, particulares ... e inversores -ante la escasa rentabilidad de otro tipo de activos...
Últimas entradas OEG
"La mayoría decidió marcharse", Sur, 05 | 07 | 2016 - Opinión (Mayte Echezarreta, directora del OEG)
Respecto a los jubilados británicos residentes en España, uno de los colectivos más preocupados por el brexit, no creo que puedan temer mucho su salida de la UE, salvo por la devaluación de la libra
Comentario de Mayte Echezarreta a la Sentencia de la Sala Primera del TJUE de 14 de junio, 2016, en el Asunto C-308/14 (Comisión/Reino Unido).